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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
6 Questions
196 Karma

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Camille Apr 22, 2018 811 views

Is psychology useful to be a Prosecutor?

I would love to study Psychology when I grow up, but my dream job is being Prosecutor. Will it be useful? #law #psychology #lawyer #prosecuter #criminal-justice

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Camille Apr 22, 2018 1090 views

How to manage stress, work/life balance of being a Prosecutor?

I’ve heard being a Prosecutor you will be very stressed and you need to have time management skills and balance your work/life. But how do you do it? #law #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #lawyer #prosecutor

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Camille Apr 22, 2018 6410 views

What are the Pros and Cons of being a Prosecutor?

My dream is to be a Prosecutor, but I’ve only heard good things about the job (well except the giant student loan you must pay because of law school) .I want to know the bad things about the job so I can be prepared too. #criminal-justice #law #prosecutor #attorney #criminal-justice #lawyer

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Camille Jul 11, 2017 4548 views

Is criminology useful to be a criminal lawyer/prosecutor ?

I consider to be a prosecutor when I grow up, I am very interested in Psychology and criminals etc... So I wanted to major in Criminilogy in college but I ask a relative and she said that I can't take criminology to be a prosecutor. Is she wrong? I hope so... #Law #Criminology #Prosecutor...

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Camille Jul 10, 2017 7550 views

I want to work at the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI but I have many questions.

Prepare yourself, I'm a talkative and curious kid. I'm interested in psychology, human behavior, criminology, criminal justice, and criminal profiling basically I want to get into the criminal's minds and make a profile about them and help the police catch them. But I already know that it's not...

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Camille Jul 10, 2017 1763 views

If i want to be a lawyer, what should i major in once i get into college?

I'm considering to be a lawyer when I grow up, but I don't really know what to major in once I'm in college. I heard that you're supposed to major in political science and philosophy but I don't know what's it's about. I'm very interested in criminology and criminal justice, just criminals in...