Gregory Colicci
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Is it time for me to get a part time job?
My name is Briana and I'll be starting my second year at my community college this upcoming fall semester. I'll be taking thirteen units and my parents have been recently pushing me to apply for a job with nods to "we're hiring" signs. I understand with my age I should be working, but I'm not...

Is it better to go into a pre-med program or major in anything I like as long as I take the prerequisite courses for med school?
I'm currently in undergrad in my second year and am in the process of changing my major. I wanted to know if it really matters what I major in when it comes to applying for med school. Can me not taking pre-med put me at a disadvantage? #doctor #medicine #college-major

To become an investment banker is a degree in business administration appropriate?
For my future career plans. #banking #investment-banking #finance
[This question was edited for clarity by a site administrator]