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Minnetonka, Minnesota
4 Questions
231 Karma

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Madeleine Aug 31, 2017 896 views

HELP!!! How do I stay focused in a class that I am not interested in?

I have to take generals that I am not interested in at all. I want to get a good grade and I do want to learn something new. I just can't get the motivation to stay focus during the class. #focus #boringclass #interested #personal-development

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Madeleine Aug 31, 2017 1572 views

If I want to engineer Medical Devices, what should I minor in with my mechanical engineering degree?

I really want to engineer medical devices. I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering but I want to impress employers. What could I minor in to impress them.
#medical-device #college #college-recruiting #mechanical-engineering

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Madeleine Aug 31, 2017 924 views

Does engineering get harder when you become a junior/senior in college?

I am currently studying engineering and I am approaching my junior year of college. I am nervous that I am going to be overwhelmed by the course load. I want to become an engineer so badly but I get scared for the amount of work it will take.
#engineering #college #junior-college

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Madeleine Aug 31, 2017 836 views

What are some good time management skills. I always seem to get off task.

I always get off task, especially at night when I have to study for a big exam.
#finals #studying