Othilia Jackson
Tags on answered questions

As someone interested in English, is it possible for me to become a doctor?
English is my passion, but my career goal is to become a doctor. Is it possible to study English in college and take the classes necessary to become a doctor?
#medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #english #education #career

What should I major in if I plan to become a dermatologist?
Since I started high school, I've been interested in dermatology but I'm not sure what to major in in order to pursue this career path. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

Is becoming a Physician Assistant a wise career choice?
I would like to know this because I am very interested in become a PA but want a little more information about how to become a PA from current Physicians Assistants. I job shadowed a PA this past summer and enjoy what the job entails, but still want more information. #medicine #PA...