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Tom Hoff’s Avatar

Tom Hoff

Merchandising Senior Advisor at Dell Technologies
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
4 Answers
8440 Reads
16 Karma
Lioz’s Avatar
Lioz May 23, 2016 5213 views

What cities or areas in the United States are best for business?

After receiving my major, I would like to move somewhere to continue on with my life. #business #finance #financial #international-trade #international-sales

Chandni’s Avatar
Chandni Oct 06, 2017 1232 views

How is/was your experience of doing an MBA ?

I would like to know from professionals who have or are currently doing an MBA in Canada and the US.
How was your experience ? Would you recommend doing it from Canada or the US if we look at the ROI ?

#mba #masters-degree #masters #college #college-advice #higher-education #business

ad’s Avatar
ad Sep 25, 2017 1169 views

What is the best college major for non traditional student willing to do an mba in future?

I am 27 yrs old and dropped out of college after sophomore year due to financial trouble, since I have been working and now I am Financially secure I want to restart my career, I plan on returning to my state school Oklahoma, which would be a suitable major for me as,(I could not do a #hard...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Feb 09, 2017 1314 views

How valuable are Lyndia courses or other free learning courses in the job world? Is it something that would go under skills in your resume?

I am a junior in college. #career #online-marketing #online-media #job-application #personal-development