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Stephanie Antonopoulos’s Avatar

Stephanie Antonopoulos

Boston, Massachusetts
4 Answers
4064 Reads
1 Karma

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Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie May 18, 2016 1147 views

What kind of personality traits are needed to be a lawyer?

I have heard it is tough to be a lawyer, so i would like to know what it takes as a person to be a lawyer. #law #lawyer

azra’s Avatar
azra May 16, 2016 1221 views

How do I become a lawyer?

I want to become a lawyer and I am willing to work hard. #law #lawyer #legal #career #college #college-major #career #career-counseling

Joaquin ’s Avatar
Joaquin May 18, 2016 1148 views

What are some classes I should take in order to increase my knowledge in the law field?

I would like to know what classes I should take when becoming an attorney so that I know what skills I need to improve on. #classes #skills #knowledge #legal #law #lawyer

Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany May 18, 2016 1220 views

What should you major in if you plan on going into Law?

I want to be a lawyer but am not sure what to major in first. #lawyer