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Kaitlyn Angermeier’s Avatar

Kaitlyn Angermeier

Occupational Therapist
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 Answers
3228 Reads
1 Karma

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Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jun 29, 2018 960 views

Which college majors are best for people aspiring to become occupational therapists?

I'm looking into majors such as human development, neuroscience, psychology, and biology. Are there other majors I should consider? Thanks!
#occupationaltherapy #OT #collegemajors #careeradvice #occupationaltherapist #humandevelopment

Noemi’s Avatar
Noemi Jan 16, 2018 705 views

What is the major difference between studying to be a physical therapist assistant for adults and studying to be a pediatric physical therapist assistant?

I'm not sure what age group of people I want to work with. #PTA #physical-therapist #pediatric-physical-therapy

Makenna’s Avatar
Makenna May 18, 2016 971 views

Are there reliable internships for dancers in college?

I'm a dancer, and I'll be majoring in Dance at Brigham Young University-Idaho #professional #experience #dance #performing-arts #dancing #career #career-counseling