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Brockton, Massachusetts
2 Questions
571 Karma

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Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Oct 30, 2014 4813 views

I've been introduced into SalesForce. Highly debating becoming certified. Is it worth it?

Being in a career search, I'm all over the place! I'm in IT right now, not quiet sure which direction I want to head in... #computer-engineering #salesforce

Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Oct 02, 2014 2763 views

How is a career in Robotics? Is it painstaking? And is it a career worth pursuing?

I am currently taking IT courses, I was looking into careers which I would be interested in, such as Robotics when I researched the type of work. I just wanted a job which was extremely interesting to me as well as used skills in IT which I could incorporate. I'm a problem-solving lover who...