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Daly City, California
4 Questions
106 Karma

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Abby Jan 10, 2018 662 views

What is the best way to go about research opportunities for high school students regarding biology?

I know many colleges offer this; however, are there any public research opportunities for those without lab experience in the Bay Area? What are tips for finding these opportunities? #biology-research #biology #research #internships

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Abby Jan 10, 2018 542 views

How much education is needed to become a biomedical engineer?

Are there any specialty schools and how long does this education take? #biomedical-engineering

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Abby Jan 10, 2018 842 views

Is there a way to attend both law school and medical school?

I am interested in both law and medicine, and I am looking for a way to pursue both interests. I have heard of people who have done both; however, I am unsure of how to go about this so any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. #lawschool #medicalschool

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Abby Jan 10, 2018 524 views

Are there loan forgiving programs (Teach for America, etc) for those in medicine?

I know teaching majors have opportunities to work in exchange for federal loan forgiveness. Are there any similar programs for those interested in majoring in medicine or biology? #medicine #loans