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Los Angeles, California
2 Questions
66 Karma

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Grace Jan 14, 2018 1097 views

When deciding on what colleges to go to, what should take precedent- what you want to study or where the university is?

I've heard that college is about a lot more than the education aspect, that it's learning to live on your own and explore yourself as a person. Also, the majority of people end up switching majors anyway while still in college, so I'm wondering what should be weighed more: the university as a...

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Grace Jan 14, 2018 768 views

What's the value of studying library science - what careers could those skills be applied to?

I was recently told by my parents that a degree in library science would be vastly impressive in the workforce, but I'm still not sure if it's something that I'd want to spend money on studying in college.
#libraryscience #college #gradschool