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Edgewater, Florida
2 Questions
116 Karma

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Taylor Jan 15, 2018 1093 views

Was it hard adjusting to living out of state during college?

I am asking this question because I am probably going #outofstate for college and this kind of freaks me out as I have never lived by myself let alone in a new year. I just want to know a little of what to expect and any pointers on adjusting. #college #out-of-state-student #life-transitions...

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Taylor Jan 15, 2018 1010 views

When thinking of a career path should I have how much debt I will be in after college in mind?

I want to work for a volunteer organization or other low profitable jobs, but I also want to get a college degree. I'm just wondering if it would be smarter/worth it to wait a few years after college before going into a low profitable career because of money? #international-affairs...