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Lucianna’s Avatar


Albuquerque, New Mexico
2 Questions
56 Karma

Lucianna’s Career Goals

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Lucianna’s Avatar
Lucianna Jan 16, 2018 1037 views

What was the most rewarding thing you experienced in a performance or in an audition?

I want to be able to gauge my success better and not just focus on getting into a show or getting a rather large applause. I want to be able to see how other performers view achievements and be able to grow and reflect on that. #vocal #performing-arts #success #voice #music #singing

Lucianna’s Avatar
Lucianna Jan 16, 2018 851 views

What is the greatest challenge you’ve faced as a vocal performance major and how did you overcome it?

I am going to major in vocal performance in college after I graduate. There are many perceived challenges of the field but I want to know what problems arise. I would like to be better prepared. #vocalperformance #voice #opera #challenges #music #performing-arts