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New York, New York
4 Questions
158 Karma

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Shelana Jul 31, 2020 591 views

MCAT prep review

I did the MCAT using the prep courses but it was really difficult to keep up with the schedule and all other duties and usually found that I didn't get to finish all the course work and still have adequate time for full length exams. I usually get a higher score during my prep than I do on...

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Shelana Jul 28, 2020 867 views

Should I apply for med school this cycle?

I redid the MCAT during this COVID pandemic setting and I got the same score that I did before. Should I still apply during this cycle or is it better to apply at a later cycle and redo the MCAT? #JULY20 #med-school #MCAT

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Shelana Jan 16, 2018 962 views

I am thinking of applying to medical school this year and i have no idea on what to do. I know I have to do the MCAT and primary and secondary applications for schools but beyond that I am lost. Any help with the MCAT process and the best study helps?

I am looking to get into the medical field but not sure how to start applying. I have been researching but I am still a bit confused. #pre-medicine #MCAT #prep-test #medical-college #college-senior #medicine #hospital-and-health-care

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Shelana Jan 16, 2018 977 views

I transferred to my current school and I am almost finished with my classes. Great! Yay ...except I don't really have a relationship with the professors since i have only taken one class with them. How do I get recommendation letters from professors?

I am a senior graduating in Spring and i need recommendation letters from professors for application to med school and/or scholarships. Don't really know how to go about it when my classes are 400+ size. #senior #pre-med #college