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Yonkers, New York
2 Questions
71 Karma

Brian’s Career Goals

I want to build up my profile for my colleges by doing many activities that would help me stand out to the colleges that I sign up to.

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Brian Jan 17, 2018 703 views

Those attending colleges what can you recommend High school Students?

What are some things a college student or professor, would recommend a high school student to do, or accomplish, before they graduate?

#high-school #college #college-admission #college-prep

Brian’s Avatar
Brian Jan 17, 2018 1055 views

How could you get a Phd in college?

I'm interested in getting a Phd for chemistry or chemical engineering, and i was wondering how do you start to work on getting a Phd, and what college year? can you start on your freshman year or only after getting a master degree's
