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Costa Mesa, California
2 Questions
81 Karma

Paula’s Career Goals

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Paula’s Avatar
Paula Jan 17, 2018 765 views

Do extracurriculars really matter in high school and does it look better to take college classes rather than AP courses?

My school does not offer many extracurriculars and does not have any AP classes but there are college classes provided. #college #high-school-classes #classes #extracurriculars #high-school

Paula’s Avatar
Paula Jan 17, 2018 677 views

When choosing a university to attend, does it affect the chance of getting into medical school or increase/decrease your chance of working in the medical field?

I want to be a doctor and people always question what university I would like to attend but I do not know how to choose one or two. #university #decision #medical-field #doctor #idk #help