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United States
2 Questions
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dat’s Career Goals

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dat Jan 17, 2018 1017 views

Where can I expect to be in five years?

As a computer science student, the road to have a successful career are so uncertain because the field changes as the world is constantly changing. In five years, will I see myself be working for desired firms like Microsoft, HP, or even Google?
#technology #computer-science

dat’s Avatar
dat Jan 17, 2018 876 views

What is the level of difficulty I am willingly to face to get what I want?

I am a university student with computer science as my major at CSUS, and I am planning to transfer to UNR with a 3.1 GPA. I do well on programming assignments but when I face a difficult program, I question myself if I am good enough for a degree in computer science and for the high demanding...