Jade’s Career Goals
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What skills are the most desirable in a book editor?
I'm about to be a senior in college. I love college, and I try my hardest in classes, job, and extracurricular activities to develop as a person. I hope that the things I am learning help with being a book editor. What qualities do think are vital to being a good book editor? #JULY20...

What are the difficulties in becoming/being a book editor?
I'm interested in being a book editor. I know that every career has its challenges, but because I don't have many book editors to talk to, I don't know what challenges book editors have. What difficulties happen in the job search and job itself? Thank you! #JULY20 #book-editor #book-editing...

Best Extracurriculars for a Book Editor?
Now that I'm looking at internships, I want to be an attractive candidate for publishing companies. I've just started working as an editor for one of my college's newspapers. My other extracurricular is very inactive now, so what clubs should I approach? Book clubs, maybe? #college #english...

Should I take Music courses in College, even though I don't know anything?
I plan on becoming a book editor - so an English major, basically. Recently I've been watching vocalists videos on YouTube, and have become fascinated with the creative world of vocal technique. My college offers a plethora of Music courses, and I really want to learn about the subject, but I'm...