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Shoreline, Washington
2 Questions
91 Karma

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Charlee Jan 17, 2018 948 views

What are some things I should know in order to start my own professional business?

I am preparing for a career as a CPM/LM (out-of-hospital midwife), and I hope to eventually start my own birth and photography businesses. I would like to learn more about the aspects of building a business that are most important in the beginning, so that I can create a solid foundation in...

Charlee’s Avatar
Charlee Jan 17, 2018 1007 views

What is the most difficult aspect of living your life on-call, and how do you cope with it?

I am currently studying to be a CPM/LM (essentially, an out-of-hospital midwife), a career that involves being on-call for births or other needs by mothers 24/7. So, I would like to learn more about others' experiences with the on-call life, particularly what they found to be the hardest part...