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San Leandro, California
4 Questions
386 Karma

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Jose Jan 18, 2018 1751 views

How do you become a top investor?

I want to pursuit the career of business and investing would be a great part of my career......
#investment #business

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Jose Jan 18, 2018 1214 views

will robots actually take over our jobs?

Technology has advanced so much in the past decade and robots have taken over some jobs so what are the jobs of the future going to be like?
#technology #future-careers

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Jose Jan 18, 2018 764 views

Is there a fair advantage of people that go to lower income schools than others that go to better schools? and also does going to a private high school give you a greater chance to bing better at school than others that go to a public school?

I live in San Leandro in the bay area and my school campus is so old compared to others schools. Other schools have such great campus and a better environment. Also I have great goals I want to achieve and I want to know what is best for me.
#fairness #private-school #public-school

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Jose Jan 18, 2018 1079 views

How is geology going to even help me in life if I want to follow a business/entrepreneurship career?

Im asking this question because I don't find this class helpful towards want I want a profession in towards my future and it is a requirement for me to take it.