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Oceanside, California
2 Questions
111 Karma

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Christa’s Avatar
Christa Jan 18, 2018 1030 views

I'm majoring in Computer Science. When should I try to find internships? Is it hard to get one?

I'm majoring in computer science and I feel like I've been doing well so far. I definitely want to expand on my knowledge through an internship but I'm afraid that I won't have enough experience to even be considered. I know most people tend to apply for internships in their junior or senior...

Christa’s Avatar
Christa Jan 18, 2018 850 views

What do video game companies look for when hiring their programmers? Is a bachelor's in computer science good enough?

So I want to program video games for a career and I'm already majoring in computer science and trying to learn a little about video game programming through Unity but I'm worried that there'll be a lot of extra hoops I have to jump through before I look hire-able. So I want to know what not...