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Houston, Texas
2 Questions
51 Karma

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Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jan 19, 2018 715 views

What majors/minors are required to even be a psychologist/therapist?

I have heard many answers to this one. I was told by one source that sociology, but then told by another that sociology is a broad term that only refers to a group of majors that may specialize in psychology. I know I definitively need psychology under my belt, but other than that I'm lost....

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jan 19, 2018 759 views

Why does one consider becoming a psychologist/therapist?

For a long time now, I have wanted to be a psychologist because the human mind is extremely interesting but also because I feel like I could make a huge change in someone else's life. I have heard from many that I should consider an occupation that is more financially stable, which has caused...