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Coal City, Illinois
2 Questions
131 Karma

Clarissa’s Career Goals

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Clarissa’s Avatar
Clarissa Jan 19, 2018 1343 views

How do I decide what I want to do with my degree?

I am a marketing major, and I love it. However, marketing is such a broad spectrum, and there are so many different things I could do with a marketing degree. How do I evaluate where I would fit best in a marketing career? #marketing #marketing-career #career-choice #career-path...

Clarissa’s Avatar
Clarissa Jan 19, 2018 1456 views

How do I apply my passion to my career?

I am a marketing major and I hope to have a career in the advertising or social media field. I am very passionate about human rights, equal opportunities, anti-racism, and women's rights. I would like to know how I can apply these types of themes into my career in a way that I can make a...