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Bianca’s Avatar


Hercules, California
2 Questions
71 Karma

Bianca’s Career Goals

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Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Jan 23, 2018 987 views

How do you get past the struggles in life to be successful?

As a college student, there is always something that gets in your way. It could be making bad decisions, making wrong decisions, or just messing up. Sometimes it gets hard to get pass the struggles when there are problems hitting you from left and right that are always there to test you....

Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Jan 23, 2018 799 views

What advice can you give to a woman pursuing a career in the medical field?

For the past 2-3 years, I am still a bit lost in what specific career I want to pursue. I know I want to be in the medical field or a hospital setting, but still unsure of what exactly I want to pursue.

#college #medical-life