Shakoor’s Career Goals
I know I want to be in the medical field and I know I want to go to medical school. It has always been a passion of mine to help others in need. I know that there are other ways to help people, but I feel like I would make the most difference in the medical field.
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How do you make connections?
I am a high school senior and I am worried that when I get to college, I will not be able to make those connections to further my career goals. I know the question is pretty vague, but when I am in classes or I am attending a seminar, what is the best way for me to reach out to professionals...

How can you decide your career for the rest of your life?
I like to think of myself as a Renaissance Man. I strive my hardest to be great at everything. I find it confusing how people are able to single out a specific occupation that they can commit to for the rest of their life. If someone can help me with what I should do to figure out what job I...