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Madras, Oregon
2 Questions
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Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 24, 2018 714 views

I want to be a high school math teacher, and I have had many people tell me I should learn another subject to be able to teach as well. What subject would be best with a math degree and should I get a minor or do a double major?

I am transferring to a university to finish my math degree so that I can teach high school math. I have been told that high school teachers quite often teach more than one subject. If I am to learn another subject, what would be the best method to learn that subject? #highschoolteacher...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 24, 2018 812 views

I want to be a high school math teacher and wondered if it is better to major in math or in secondary education with an endorsement in math.

I have my associates degree and have worked at a community college towards a math degree so that I can teach high school math. The school I am transferring to has suggested it would be best to switch my major to a secondary education major to get practice with teaching. The professors at...