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LeAndra Evans’s Avatar

LeAndra Evans

Customer Service Representative at AT&T
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Brookfield, Wisconsin
2 Answers
2746 Reads
1 Karma

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Archived’s Avatar
Archived Feb 13, 2018 922 views

How do I balance school and study as a future nursing student?

I am planning on entering the nursing program soon at my college and need tips to stay ahead and do well.

#nursing #college #nursing-program #studying

Daleen’s Avatar
Daleen Feb 13, 2018 1809 views

How can I volunteer with writing?

Hey guys,

So I love to write, which is why I'm pursuing Professional Writing as my major. However, I also love to volunteer. Is there a way I can combine my two loves and volunteer to write?

#volunteering #professional-writing #writing #editing #nonprofits #nonprofit-marketing