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Des Moines, Iowa
3 Questions
221 Karma

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Ksenia Dec 03, 2015 7655 views

What to major in? International business or political science, or both?

I am curious as to what kinda of career paths I can do. I love traveling so I've thought of consulting, but I am not positive about that. I for sure want to major in International Business, On the other hand I am very interested in Politics so I am not sure what to major in. Is there a job that...

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Ksenia Jan 20, 2015 1040 views

what to major in if I want to work for Easter Seals


So I want to work for Easter Seals, but on the business side. I do not know what kind of job opportunities they offer but if anyone knows that would be great. what should I major in if I want to work for Easter Seals? #college #major #seals #easter

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Ksenia Nov 20, 2014 10727 views

Starting a day center for adults with special needs

Hi! So I want to start a day center for adults with special needs...a place where they can come during the day and have social interaction so their parents can go to work. I am planning on majoring in Business Administration-Entrepreneurship. What should I minor in...physchology? or what.. also...