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Maumelle, Arkansas
4 Questions
156 Karma

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Trevor’s Avatar
Trevor Apr 28, 2018 779 views

How do I develop quality friends in college?

I am planning to go to college in the fall and am wondering how I will make friends on a campus of strangers. #college-bound

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Trevor Apr 28, 2018 681 views

What are the most important qualities in a roommate and how do I find that person?

I'm going to college in the fall and am wondering about who my roommate will be. #college

Trevor’s Avatar
Trevor Mar 09, 2018 1252 views

Should I get a film degree or find an film internship?

I am interested in the film/video industry and am weighing out the benefits of a college degree. College is expensive and I see other ways to learn the skills like finding an internship. In your opinion, is experience more important than a degree in this area? #video-production #college-major...

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Trevor Mar 09, 2018 694 views

What is the best strategy for getting out of debt?

In order to get a college education and maybe start my own business, I might have to take out loans. What is the most effective way to pay those debts off in a short amount of time?

#moneymanagement #advice