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Maplewood, New Jersey
2 Questions
151 Karma

Albert’s Career Goals

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Albert’s Avatar
Albert Mar 19, 2018 2227 views

What is the best approach to find low competition scholarships?

I have noticed that there are literally thousands of scholarship programs out there and there are hundreds that most students would be qualified to apply to. However, I, like most people, don’t have the time or the energy to apply towards hundreds of scholarships in a year, so I need advice on...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Mar 19, 2018 1206 views

How does one choose the best career path for oneself?

I would like to know what are the most important factors when considering the best career path for oneself. I realize money is obviously important, however what about work-life balance, intrinsic and extrinsic awards, the speed of career progression, the type of education required to pursue the...