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San Diego, California
2 Questions
76 Karma

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Clara’s Avatar
Clara Mar 21, 2018 1066 views

What should a film major do post graduating college or university?

As a film major, I worry about what may happen after I graduate. Since getting a job in film is usually based on who you know rather than what you know, what should I do to improve my chances of getting employed after college? Would you recommend summer internships? How should I make sure that...

Clara’s Avatar
Clara Mar 21, 2018 1168 views

How do you stand out in college applications?

Amidst the numerous students who have perfect GPA's and ACT/SAT scores, it is important to stand out in other ways. However, what necessarily makes one appear to have more potential? Clubs? Sports? I am asking because in todays day and age, anyone can have perfect grades so there must be other...