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Tamera’s Avatar


Staunton, Virginia
2 Questions
176 Karma

Tamera’s Career Goals

I'd like to one day be an international human rights lawyer.

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Tamera’s Avatar
Tamera Mar 27, 2018 2976 views

Which law schools have notable programs in international human rights law?

I've looked around a little at law schools before, and it seems like most keep their international law and human rights programs separate. I could be wrong in how this works (feel free to correct me!) but are there any reputable or notable programs that actually combine both? How might I...

Tamera’s Avatar
Tamera Mar 27, 2018 1024 views

Complimentary major/minor for Sociology major?

I plan to chase after a career in international human rights law, working with NGO's like Amnesty International or the EU court of human rights. With that in mind, I've thought about minors/ double majors in subjects like Spanish or international studies, but am still undecided what subject...