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Ann Ulett’s Avatar

Ann Ulett

Tax Talent Acquisition Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
4 Answers
4699 Reads
16 Karma

Active Locations

Maxwell’s Avatar
Maxwell Apr 22, 2024 2016 views

How to start a career in accounting ?

How to start a career in accounting ?

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Sep 06, 2023 829 views

How can I learn more about accounting in easy, around-my-city ways?

How can I learn more about accounting in easy, around-my-city ways?

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Feb 04, 2017 1433 views

What is the difference between finance and accounting? Is one more favorable in the job market?

Stuck between Accounting and Finance, I cannot tell the difference between these two majors after visiting so many different websites. All the websites state that both would deal with budgeting and analysis. I am now wondering what are the main differences between an accounting and finance...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Apr 04, 2018 1382 views

How important will tech skills be for accounting?

I want to go into accounting, but I am not too tech savy. I keep hearing about how tech is becoming more integral to the accounting world at an exponential rate, but I was wondering how in-depth tech will be for accounting in the next 10 years.
