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The Colony, Texas
2 Questions
211 Karma

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Amanda Apr 18, 2018 3571 views

What professions would it be helpful to have a dual major in computer science and mathematics?

I'm wanting a dual major in computer science and mathematics. What kind of jobs will want or appreciate both of these degrees? I'm also minoring in education.

#stem #stem-education #java #math #mathematics #computer-science #computer-programming #education #teaching #teacher #dualmajor

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Apr 18, 2018 1581 views

Is a dual major in Computer Science and Math a good combination?

I'm currently graduating from community college, ready to transfer to the university. My associates will be in Java. Are math and computer science a good dual major? I'm also minoring in education. #stem #stem-education #java #math #mathematics #computer-science #computer-programming...