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Sophie’s Avatar


Los Angeles, California
2 Questions
106 Karma

Sophie’s Career Goals

I want to study philosophy. Philosophical thinking touches on all my interests including creative writing, filmmaking, art history, intellectual history, cognitive science and comparative literature. Where this will lead me, I'm not sure yet...

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Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Apr 24, 2018 666 views

If medicine improves and allows people to live much longer lives, how will we provide for everyone?

As medical technology improves, people live longer, healthier lives. Anti-aging technologies are getting better and better. If people start regularly living to 100 or longer, or if human life is extended even further beyond natural limits, how we provide for everyone? How will people in my...

Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Apr 24, 2018 1096 views

If many jobs in the future (perhaps MOST jobs) will be replaced by machines and Artificial Intelligence, what should we be studying in college?

I read Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" as well as several of his short stories that depict a future in which all "jobs" have been eliminated - machines do everything. The people who have meaningful work find their life has less meaning. They ask, "What are humans FOR?" So, I wonder what...