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Columbia, Missouri
2 Questions
71 Karma

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Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Apr 29, 2018 802 views

What is the best United States location for a biomedical engineer?

In the future, I would like to become a biomedical engineer. I want to conduct research in a field such as prosthetics, Stem Cells, immunology, neurology, or regeneration. While there are many colleges that offer this as a major, it’s not as obvious where the best place to go after college...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Apr 29, 2018 767 views

What makes a high school student more appealing for college admission?

I’m a high school junior, and I’ll be applying to a few colleges this summer. However, my school officials haven’t told my class about the application process, and I would like to know how to make myself more appealing to the college admissions department. #admissions #college-advice...