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High Point, North Carolina
2 Questions
61 Karma

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Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn May 10, 2018 1144 views

What is something you wish you knew going into a neuroscience or psychology program?

I plan to major in neuroscience, and I want to be as prepared for it as I can be. I have been warned that it is a very challenging major and will require a lot of work. That being said, I want to know if there's anything else I should be aware of going into it.
#neuroscience #psychology

Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn May 10, 2018 2249 views

What is the best/worst part of being a neuroscientist?

I'm planning to major in neuroscience, and I'm curious what people think the best part of being a neuroscientist is. However, I am also curious what people think the worst part is, because nothing is perfect. There are always bits people don't like - for anything, not just neuroscience - and...