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New York, New York
3 Questions
48 Karma

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Carmilia’s Avatar
Carmilia Jul 31, 2020 796 views

Can you choose what field in nursing you want to work in?

Let's say I want to work in Labor & Delivery as soon as I pass the NCLEX and would start looking at nursing job openings. Can I choose Labor & Delivery or would I be assigned? #JULY20

Carmilia’s Avatar
Carmilia May 15, 2018 957 views

Is it true that RN-midwives don't get paid a lot?

Is it true that RN-midwives don't get paid at least $60,000? #nursing #college #registered-nursing #midwives #midwife #midwifery #nurse-midwife

Carmilia’s Avatar
Carmilia May 15, 2018 979 views

What is the quality of UCLA's nursing school?

Is the education UCLA provides for nursing really valuable in the nursing field? #nursing #ucla #college