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Ellie’s Avatar


Edwardsburg, Michigan
2 Questions
66 Karma

Ellie’s Career Goals

I want to be an international business missionary with OneHope.

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Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie May 16, 2018 703 views

How do you find a relevant internship?

I need an internship when I go to college to study International business. How do you go about finding an internship? #internships

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie May 16, 2018 4525 views

Do you take extra classes to minor in something?

I'm confused about the whole major/minor thing. Do you get a minor from select classes you're taking or do you have to take extras. Are minors required? I want my Bachelors in International business and an Associates in Communications. Does this mean I'm minoring in Communications?...