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Katelynn’s Avatar


Libuse, Louisiana
4 Questions
241 Karma

Katelynn’s Career Goals

Ultimate goal is to be a large animal Vet



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Katelynn Aug 14, 2018 717 views

What would you consider to be a comfortable load of credit hours to take for a college freshman?

#college-load Is there such a thing as not enough of a load as far as classes go? I'm not quite sure how I should balance it out.

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Katelynn Aug 14, 2018 846 views

Is it a good idea to get a job the first semester of my freshman year of college?

I know I'm going to needed extra funds while in college and I would like to relieve some of the burden off of my parents but I'm not sure if I should wait until my second semester or start applying now. #college-job

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Katelynn May 21, 2018 834 views

How can I be sure of the major I am going to study in the fall. How probable is it to change

#majors #scientist

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Katelynn May 21, 2018 1032 views

What are the odds that I will be able to graduate from college without being deeply in debt?
