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Prairieville, Louisiana
2 Questions
76 Karma

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Grace May 22, 2018 1046 views

What is some advice for a person planning to attend Law School?

Is Law School really as hard as people say it is? I’ve read that Law School is extremely high-pressure and stressful, and that the LSAT and bar exams are very difficult to pass. What would be some advice for an aspiring law student? #law-school #LSAT #college #graduate-school

Grace’s Avatar
Grace May 22, 2018 711 views

Is losing a case as a lawyer discouraging?

My main reason for becoming a lawyer is to help people and give them the justice that they deserve, but I worry about not being able to win the case and letting them down. Is it frustrating to lose a case because you feel like you have failed your client? #lawyer