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Oreoluwa’s Avatar


Snellville, Georgia
3 Questions
131 Karma

Oreoluwa’s Career Goals

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Oreoluwa’s Avatar
Oreoluwa May 27, 2018 875 views

What are things you wish you k ew before going into neuroscince/neurology?

Are there steps you wish you would have taken before stepping into the field of neurology, or things you wish someone would have told you beforehand?
#advice #startingacareer #priorknowledge #neurology #neuroscience #connections

Oreoluwa’s Avatar
Oreoluwa May 27, 2018 947 views

How many years does it take to become a practicing neurologist with a doctorate degree?

#neuroscience #neurology #neurologist #collegedegree #practicingdoctor

Oreoluwa’s Avatar
Oreoluwa May 25, 2018 1111 views

How did you know that the career you chose was absolutely what you wanted to do for the rest of your life?

I am about to be a senior in high school and I know that, right now, I want to be a neurologist, but I am worried that once I start studying to become one, I will realize I do not like it, but by then it will be too late to change my mind. I just want to know how you discovered what career you...