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Columbus, Indiana
3 Questions
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Ritu Jun 12, 2018 795 views

What majors are accepted for Medical School?

When applying to Medical School, there is tons of majors one could have. For example, you could major in human anatomy, or biochemistry, or bio medicine. Which type of major best assures you with the knowledge needed for the MCAT?
#schools #majors #college #classes #medicalschool

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Ritu May 29, 2018 882 views

What makes a good pre-med program?

Pre-med programs are often extremely diverse, and offer courses in a wide variety of studies. Which of these courses best prepare students for the MCAT and for medical schools? What type of courses best suit a student following a path in medicine? #classes #medicine #collegeclasses #career #mcat

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Ritu May 29, 2018 856 views

How do medical schools differentiate between accepted and rejected students?

Students on the path for medicine tend to be driven and hardworking overall. Yet only a slim percentage of these individuals are seriously considered when it comes to post graduate medical studies. What's the difference between these students, and how narrow is the gap between them?...