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Diana’s Avatar


Waco, Texas
2 Questions
132 Karma

Diana’s Career Goals

I want to work for a professional-writing-based major and enter the copyeditor profession.

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Diana’s Avatar
Diana May 31, 2018 1128 views

How hard is it *really* to publish a book?

While I want to be a copyeditor as my *day* job, I've written several novels I would love to publish sometime down the road (after much revision...). Every time I speak about this with someone, though, their immediate answer seems to be, "Ha! Good luck." My questions is... is it really that...

Diana’s Avatar
Diana May 31, 2018 998 views

How would a copyeditor know which "grammar" to use?

In the English language, there are so many different ways to use grammar, but there aren't any set rules on which ways are correct; it's more just a matter of belief (example: the Oxford comma). I realize that a particular university will teach their own beliefs about grammar, but I'm concerned...