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Alexandria, Virginia
2 Questions
61 Karma

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Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Jul 03, 2018 731 views

What should I know for an internship?

I asked a similar question about what should I know for shadowing, and, well, this is very similar. Do I need to have extensive knowledge of the field that I internship for, or should I treat it as a learning experience where I go in with familiarity of the field, but still have many questions?...

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Jul 03, 2018 927 views

What should I know for shadowing?

I'm a rising senior, and I've always been confused about this. I would love to be a doctor (I'm debating on the type) and would like to shadow my local doctors to see which would be a better "fit" for me, but I don't want to show up naive or seem unintelligent. I don't want the doctor to quiz...