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Erica’s Avatar


Liberty Center, Ohio
2 Questions
61 Karma

Erica’s Career Goals

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Erica’s Avatar
Erica Jul 06, 2018 1032 views

Is it possible to become a doctor and still be home with your family?

My dream is to become an important doctor. I'm just worried that i'd be workong too much that i wouldn't be able to see my husband and kids much. I just don't want to be that type of parent that's always working and never has time for their kids. #doctor #medical-field #medicine #doctors

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Jul 06, 2018 943 views

What kind of career can you do if you want to work with babies?

I know I want to work with babies, however, I don't know what job to pursue. I'd like to do more serious stuff for my job, but i'm scared that i'd probably mess something up and not be able to help the patient. I'm thinking about becoming a nurse that works with babies, but only does minor...