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Humble, Texas
2 Questions
76 Karma

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isabel Jul 09, 2018 1317 views

Will being an Emergency Medical Technician scar me for life?

I am currently enrolled in an EMT certification course offered at my school, and, though I am very very excited about it, I am also quite terrified at the possible situations I might encounter on a call. Do EMTs frequently feel burned out and emotionally drained? Also, is it possible for an EMT...

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isabel Jul 09, 2018 1005 views

Is it worth the time and money to become a Medical Doctor?

I was very set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor this time last year; however, the doctors I have asked have said that they would pursue Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant instead if they were to choose their career over again. What do y'all think? Thanks! #doctor #nurse...