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Rikka Ren

Avondale, Arizona
2 Questions
61 Karma

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Rikka Ren’s Avatar
Rikka Ren Jul 23, 2018 895 views

How do nurses manage the daily tasks that they have to perform for their patients?

I have always heard stories of how a nurse's shift can be very hectic, and I have wondered how they manage all the different activities that they have to perform. Becoming a nurse is the only career I have in mind right now, and I want a more in-depth look on how they manage the work dense...

Rikka Ren’s Avatar
Rikka Ren Jul 23, 2018 1016 views

How did you know that you wanted to pursue a nursing career?

As an incoming senior in high school, I have been constantly asked, "What career or major are you going to pursue in college?" or "What are your plans for college?" To these questions, I usually answer with , "I want to study nursing, like my mom, and then maybe get a masters degree and become...