Austin’s Career Goals
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What is the least amount of time you can spend in college to become a doctor? (ie. dentist, anesthesiologist, small time doctors)
I honestly do not want to spend another 10 years after high school going back to school and spending insane amounts of money to become a doctor. I'm not necessarily looking for a cheat to become a legit brain-surgeon. I just know that biology and anything of the sort intrigues me. I have a...

What careers are related to cell-biology, molecular-biology, biomedical Engineering, and biotech?
Im interested in science. I can't see myself doing anything else honestly. All my life i was intrigued by science - biology to be specific. I like to see how organisms work and how lives can be affected by altering biology (ie GMO, vaccines, cell-reconstruction, etc...). MY STATS: Year: Junior...

What does it take to become a Biomedical Engineer?
I'm thinking of going to school to be a Biomedical Engineer. What school would be right for me? What is the average wage? How long do I have to attend a post-secondary institution? If I only wanted to go to school to receive a Bachelor's Degree, what would be a good option for me if the above...