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Santa Margarita, California
2 Questions
51 Karma

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Owen’s Avatar
Owen Aug 06, 2018 796 views

What Are Some Jobs In The Field of Marine Biology?

Marine Biology has always fascinated and captivated me. What are some jobs that are applicable to my interests? I would love to do field work most of all, but I know it is a competitive field. If there are any Marine Biologists out there I would love to hear what you have to say! #marinebio...

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Aug 06, 2018 872 views

How Is It Being A Park Ranger?

I love the outdoors and being in nature, and I want to preserve that nature and help to protect it. I'm considering several college and career pathways involving the outdoors and conservation and becoming a Parks Ranger seems the most direct and fulfilling in my eyes. I'm hoping to learn more...