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Grand Prairie, Texas
2 Questions
151 Karma

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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Aug 17, 2018 1717 views

What are some test-taking strategies/tips on passing the NCLEX-RN exam to become a registered nurse?

Rather than spending your time dreading what’s to come, remember this is a hurdle every nurse has had to jump before earning his or her scrubs. So who better to learn from than those who have gone before you?

#nurse #nursing #nursingmajor #college #testtaking #studying

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Jennifer Aug 17, 2018 1273 views

An an aspiring high school mathematics teacher. what are some tips or activities I could use to engage my students in learning and make it enjoyable and fun instead of sitting in classroom for almost 2 hours?

Mathematics is one of the few subjects students struggle on and I aspire to be the teacher who make math exciting and easy to learn, but I have no clue on how to teach my students specific concepts in order for them to understand it. #mathteacher #educationmajor #highschool #teacher...